Thursday, December 12, 2013

Read this article then identify two pieces of evidence for each statement.

The subway's "late notes" are a great thing.

The subway's "late notes" are a terrible idea.

Writing great body paragraphs
Take another look at theme


  1. 1.They are a great thing because they can come late and be excused
    2.Also because the trains or the person will once in a while be late

    1.They are a bad thing because early morning goers will start to slack off because of the late passes
    2.Another bad reason is that they can cause a lot of trouble if they were to give those out.

  2. The subway late note are a good thing.
    1.They are a good thing to get because you actually have a reason why your late and excused.
    2. His/her boos will actually believe them.
    Terrible idea.
    1. it might just be a bad idea because people can just fake one just to get late to work.
    2.There are so job where if you get to much late notes, you will be fired.

  3. The subway "late notes" are actually a great idea. One reason is that if they late to work or something they can ask for a late note and take it to their work. Second is that sometimes the delay is longer than it should be but they get lots of extra time on there hands to do things without getting in trouble by their work. The bad thing about the subway notes is that some jobs don't care if they have a late note at all they just put it in your folder and just count it against them which end up hurting you at the end. Another reason is that sometimes they can get fired because the delay can take up hours which is a long time and most company's wouldn't want them after that even though its not their fault

  4. In my opinion, Subway late notes are a very good idea because sometimes the trains are late to their destinations and by being late, workers show-up late to work and don't have an excuse and if the worker says the reason why he showed up late to work then his boss won't believe him. Writing these notes will provide the worker and excuse on why he showed up late to his job and his/her boss will now believe him/her.
    Personally I don't think that having subway notes are a bad idea now to some people, having these things are a bad idea because early workers will slack off and say that they are late because of late.

  5. 1. Late notes could be a good thing because you get to be excused from any meeting you have at work, school, etc.
    2. Late notes can be bad for you, because if your going to have to go to a meeting at work, than you might not be able to attend to it.
    1. Late notes aren't a terrible idea, because it could be used for a good thing by being able to be late.
    2. Late notes can be a bad idea because people would just be late for when ever their late.

  6. for some people the late note are a great things but for some are not good because?
    1 they are good for some people not for all but only for doe people a that are really going to need it and some times it can safe your job some time the delays are 15 minutes or more its only a matter of time of the mistake

    2 why are they bad many boss are not fine with this note because many people said the they are not junior high school late note that they are late and sometime they fake the late note for their own good

  7. 1. It can be a great thing because if your late your excused.
    2. If your late the "late note" won't get you in trouble with your boss.

    1. It can be bad because it could be a fake one.
    2. People can fake that they're when they don't even try to be there early.

    1. If your are late to work you can say that it for the train but over and over your boss might not that and find someone else. But the other good thing is that you get a late note that shows that your not lying and really where just late cause of the train. People could start making these late notes and start making money. It's just nice to have prove and show your boss the reason your late,but with this comes with people that aren't as honest as others...

  8. They are in a way because they give people information, and the late note wont get you in trouble at work like with your boss. It can be bad cause people could use them as an excuse to be late t work, and bosses will get mad sometimes because they say its not like a late note for school, and they should just hurry and be on time.

  9. I think the subway cards are stupid if your transportation is getting you late to work everyday you need to find new transportation. 4

    its a good thing because sometimes if your late you get fired and for them to put that weight on there sholders I salute!!!!

  10. Late notes can be a good idea because people can be excused. Doesn't matter how late they come they'll still be excused. It's now always the persons fault for being late for school or work. Specially if they don't have their own car, they'll have to take the train to get to work. Some trains lag on coming at the right time at the right place. Late notes can be a terrible idea because now people will always be late. They'll know they will be excused no matter what. Some people might fake a note just to be late to school or work. If they keep on coming late they'll never get things done, and that's bad for them and not the others. If it's work then it affects the work as well, if it's school then it just affects them.

  11. The late notes are really helpful to the people. Because of their work. Sometimes the trax are late and cant go at the exact time they are expected to be at. Its a good way to catch someone if they are lying or not.
    Late notes are not a bad thing.

  12. subway late notes are good in some ways. one is cause if there really is a delay in train commute it excuse the employee. Also, if they are excused, the boss will be less likely to get upset and fire the employee.
    subway late notes can also be used for the employee's laziness. an example from the article states “I could have gone to see a really long movie and had lunch if I’d known I was going to be excused for that long,” he said."

  13. Late notes are good because it can excuse them if they where late to work, meeting, or school. Having a late note won't get you in trouble with your boss and it well help as evidence that you where late. It can be bad if they start doing on purpose because they know that they can be excuse easily. They can start using fake ones so they won't go to work or school.

  14. Well the late notes are good cause if your late then they will give you one but it takes a while to get one it takes like a couple of days. Also if you have a late note you won't get in trouble cause you have the evidence that you were late. But they are bad cause it takes for ever to get the late notes. Also there not that reliable cause you don't get them for like to days.

  15. Subway late notes can be really helpful, because when there's too much traffic you can easily take the subway. Sometimes it the late notes can be as busy at the traffic but it's not that bad. Lots of people who don't have a car take the late notes to get to school or to go to work. They don't mind having a car because they know they have the late notes to take.

  16. Subway trains are a reliable source of transportation for millions of people. What happens if you arrive late to a meeting or to clock in for work. Due to a delayed train or late train. Do these train company's give late notes to those who where late to work. Or would your boss look you in the face and say " this is not school". I think late notes would be a great reasonable thing for those always arriving late. To excuse why they where late and how long the delay of the train was. But in reality if you are late to something, your late note wont excuse the time you've missed at work or the meeting you missed. If people know they are going to arrive late reroute your plan to arrive there, and be a smarter planner.
