Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Read this article then answer the question below in at least four sentences (topic, point, support from article, support from article).

Should schools be responsible for its students' online interactions? Why or why not? Tell me facts from the article to back up your opinion.

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  1. No I don't feel like its in the best interest of anyone besides the parents to be watching what there kids do online! I think this is a complete breach in reasonable expectations of privacy but then again its not because what do u feel is reasonable privacy boundary's. And I feel like the school can not punish you for stuff you did outside of school!

  2. The schools should not be responsible for students online interactions. They have no reason to be involved in something that doesn't concern them. School should a learning environment only,Where its only about education. What students do online does not involve school. We waist school time, and Money. "Glendale has paid Geo Listening $40,500 to monitor the social media posts. Mr. Frydrych declined to say which other schools his company works with, except to predict that by the end of the year, his company would have signed up 3,000 schools." Schools have paid so much money just because of stupid post people write. instead of using it for something else. "Mr. Palfrey offered an offline analogy. “We wouldn’t want to record every conversation they are having in the hallway,” he said. " People are wasting their time going to students things for no reason. If they have a problem they should contact their parents. And not get the school involved.

  3. No because its the student who should get to choose. The school shouldn't get to be involved with the online interaction with out consent of the parent. The parent should have to see if the student is okay with it as well. so no I don't think so, the school has no business in our online interactions.

  4. Well schools should interact when the student using the the internet at school but not when there at home. Students should there own space when there outside of campus. That doesn't mean to go and make fun of people or even bullying them online. If that happen then the schools can get in there stuff. If that does not happen the schools can't just spy on you. Its not bad if a school to check on there students but students need there space like other people too.

  5. Schools should be responsible for their students online interactions. Because it would stop so much people from committing suicide. Like a young girl who committed suicide because two of her classmates were bullying her online. It their school was responsible then I don't think she would of even had problems online.

  6. Well I think that they should just inforce it better at there schools and talk about what happens if they do it and such. Because then maybe kids will stop doing it and they can see the really danger of online bullying. Well like the principle just checks facebook and other things the kids do online but what they should do is just explain it at school like they did here at Timpangos and so no feels would get hurt and there won't no be bullying I think. Also the kids have a facebook,twitter, and thumblr alot of people use those words so you never know what they are gonna say.

  7. Schools shouldn't be responsible for its student online interactions, they are just waiting their time watching all the drama that goes on with teenagers over the internet and have better or other things to be doing like making a plan how to make their school nice place to be at. Glendale paid Geo Listening $40,500 to monitor the social media posts, now that's a lot of money and even has some other types of monitoring going on that wasn't talked about. All the money could of been use to fix up the school or even save for a rainy day even it would be needed. Lot's other are thinking about doing this to her students but over all it's not right, yes people need to understand that kid's are going to post up dumb things but some just do it to get famous on Facebook and things like that, but won't take it far.

  8. Students who post things about killing or bullying or even threatening on the social network should get suspended or put in jail for it. It's not right for anyone to have to deal with something that bad. I think it's good that teachers, students, or even the principal look out for stuff like that. It's better to stop something from happening before it actually happens and than it's too late.

  9. Schools, should they monitor a students online use? In my opinion, yes, but only if they are using school computers or wifi. "In the Nevada case, a 16-year-old boy bragged on Myspace about having guns at home, and threatened to kill fellow students on a particular date. He also cited the 2007 massacre at Virginia Tech, in which a troubled student killed 32 people.". This is not the schools job to stop that kind of talk, it is outside of what i feel is appropriate. If something like that does come up, the authorities should handle it and not the school.

  10. The article "Warily, Schools Watch Students on the Internet" gives vary opinions and some of those are true, like the one that the girl said what the court called the pictures and she got suspended it was ridiculous. When they said they hope that more schools will follow what everybody else is doing then I hope they better think twice about the technology. Everyones has the freedom of speech.

  11. I believe schools should be responsible for the children s online interactive, because what kids do at school they will do at home. These big companies that monitor children s online interactive with social media and other things at school. Is a great idea and you can make big bucks. This way adults can narrow down teenagers problems on social media and resolve the m ASAP. Or you will another incident like this 14 year old girl killing herself, because of social media bullying. School should be responsible at the end of the day for there kids online or offline, because children are the future of this country.
