Monday, October 7, 2013


Read this article and write an analysis in at least four sentences (topic, concrete detail, commentary, commentary). You know that the government shut down. But did you realize all the things that were/are affected by that? What do you think (concrete detail)? Back up your opinion with details from the article.

Writing Tip of the Day

Analytical Stems


  1. The government needs to start working again. Because it affecting the world. Many people all over the world use play grounds and for them to be shut down for no reason is just stupid. And also shutting down the statue of Liberty where no one can get in? is just retarded. Another thing the government controls many of the websites people use for their jobs. There for not having any jobs for anybody else. It turns the world around. And I don't think that us as the people should get punished for something that has nothing to do with us. If they got in a fight with the president that is there problem, but it shouldn't be held against us. I think that things should still be running. If the government doesn't want to help then they can just leave. But leave us with everything else.

  2. I didn't know that they were closing down like national parks and stuff, I thought that some businesses were shutting down. And then like post offices will shut down. And lots of people will lose there jobs, if the government doesn't start back up soon. and if they don't start up soon then there is going to be a lot of angry people.

  3. Not letting the people who fought for our freedom isn't right if they want to go see the wall of all the fallen members, let them be and see their is not really much point on closing that down. The Government should already know that people show up everyday to just see and take pictures of the site and no one is going to mess it up because that would just be showing they don't care about those that died to give us our freedom. People pay so much money just to come around the world to see the sites of history that we have to show them and with this shut down it's making things hard on those that have paid for a long trip to visit. The government has a lot of workers and if they keep this up that's going to be bad for them. They should just get be to work and because the longer they keep this up the more problems they are causing to them self's.

  4. I did not know all of the things that were effected with the government shut down. The National monuments such as the Statue of liberty, WWII monument, and more! Also not just monuments were effected, government funded websites such as the panda cam were shut down also. The government needs to stop screwing up.

  5. I knew that the government was shut down and that its been more than two decades since it last happened, But I didn't know that they shut down everything around the government like all the monuments and etc. Also I know that the government workers are still getting payed and that's alright they have done a lot of things for us so and its good that all the places that the government shut down have workers but they are getting payed too. Well the government should just come back or obama is gonna do stupid things cause that's what he always does so yup.

  6. The government shut down has affected a lot of things. Over 800,000 people were told to stay home, some workers were scared they wouldn't work for weeks but some were angry. They shouldn't of shut it down, they didn't even realize of all the things that would be affected by this. Peoples community was affected by this. The Centers for Disease control said the shutdown would reduce its capacity to respond to food-borne illness.

  7. The article "On Day 1, Parks Close, Workers Stay Home and ‘Panda Cam’ Goes Dark"is a tragity. The new thing that came out has affected everyone. This thing will effect everyone until they remove it even though you think it is not going to effect people well it is. My opinion is that they should just take it away because more and more people are getting effected.

  8. in the article that we have read today it spoke on the subject of the government shutdown. it said that the deadline to resolve the matter will be on October seventeenth. I feel that this date is way to far away what could happen to every one while this time was in effect how many people may be harmed or worse. Far more why are there still government officals still being paid I think if they are not working then they shouldn't be paid.

  9. The government shutdown has many people angry due to closed and laid off federal workers and landmarks. Since the government shutdown had occur a couple off days ago. Many landmarks, and national parks and regular parks are closed. Almost everything that is government funded is shutdown or closed. Even the statue of Liberty is closed to all tourist and many more monuments. As well as the federal workers that work for the government are laid off, close to 800,000 workers are without pay, but congress men still get paid. Is this the apocalypse, if so everyone should start saving money in cash and not with the banks. This government shutdown has been difficult for the country and on top of that the governments economy is not well. This shutdown will leave a scare on the countries people and financial structure.
