Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Read this article then write at least four sentences (topic, point/opinion, support to back up your opinion from the article, support continued) in response to this question.

Who do you think should take responsibility in this case? The girls who did the bullying or their parents? What about Rebecca's parents?

Compound and simple sentences practice

Book report example and work

For John: Read this article then post a summary in the comments section.

(читать эту статью, то написать его резюме в разделе комментариев)


  1. There are multiple people involved in this case. In my opinion, the older of the two abusers deserves to be in the juvenile jail. She bullied the girl till she thought suicide was the only hope to be left alone. People who wanted to be friends with her and her friends were also bullied or turned against the young girl. I also feel that the mother of the older girl who bullied should be held responsible. She should monitor what her daughter does on the internet. Most/all parents should monitor what their children are doing on the internet.

  2. today we continued to read about this girl who jumped to her death. She was being bullyied so much that she decided to kill herself! who do I feel is at fault her parents who knew nothing about her child being torched at school. or the two "poor" girls who had no intention of going as far to make her kill herself. well I think the two girls should be punished severly instead of the parents, because how is it the parents fault for not invading privacy. those two girls torchred her day in day out they made life for that poor girl that she had to take her own life I think that's awful! the parents should have no punishment what so ever. because they had no way of controlling it they had know way to stop it the parents handled it to the best of there abilitys but that was not enough so you think they should be punished by that?

  3. What I think should be responsible about this is the police and the girls that bullied her. Police should talk to the girls who bullied Rebecca because if they don't it won't be fair for Rebecca's parents. What they should do to the girls that bullied should get court and get fined for leading someone to death. It's not fair if they let them of to easy they should be punished for what they done and there parents should be involved too. Rebecca's parents should keep getting the girls that bullied there daughter more in trouble with the law until the get justice. It won't be fair if they give up and let go. Those girls lead there daughter to kill herself. I think there girls that bullied should be put in jail when there 18.

  4. I think what happened to that girl is awful. And what those girls did, bullying her is bad as well. Because they said things to her, just mean awful things to her, and they made her kill her self, they made her not want to live anymore. I think those girls deserve to life the rest of there life knowing that they tormented a girl so badly that it made her take her own life. And the girls who bullied her should take responsibility for there actions, they should be in so much trouble with the law and back at home, and there parents aren't even taking her phone or anything away.

  5. I think that these girl's just took it to far and the oldest one is the one to be blamed here because of all the bad and nasty things she said to this girl she ended her life. Even after getting help with what she has been dealing with for her to go kill herself is just to bad and sad at such a young age she would have a good life and many things to learn, but as the felonies go I don't the girls should have gotten charged that way, but if that's the only way to get them to stop let it be. She should have know better than to lie to the police about her facebook getting hacked that's a lie if she was bullying her since Dec. to Feb. The parents shouldn't be to blame here because if they really want to keep their phones and facebooks the teens had no need to talk about about anyone. We now live in a messed up word that people like to make others feel bad about them self's and don't understand the type of harm that they are willing to do all because of a few words.

  6. Cyber bulling is a big deal now in today's society is a big deal. Especially when people how low self esteem and want the easy way out of any situation, like ending there life. This is what happened to a girl by the name of Rebecca from Florida. After a year of two girls constantly cyber bulling her. She couldn't take the emotional agony and jump off a cello, ending in costing her life. You see the situation started back when Rbecca dated the 14 year old girls boyfriend. This 14 year old girl didn't like the fact her man wasn't with her anymore, and was with Rebecca. So this girl with an evil intention made all of Rebeccas friends unfriend her by threatening them. She even turned Rebeccas BFF against her, and to start cyber bulling Rebecca. All of this suffering and pain Rebecca went through was all due to a guy. After all was said and done, police arrested the two girls. Serving justice to Rebeccas name and family.

  7. Parents should be responsible for their children. Because parents are what kids look up too and have the authority to tell their kids what to do and how to punish them. What happened with Rebbeca's parents is that they didn't keep control of their daughters devise. They didn't know how to use Facebook or all the other apps out there. Parents should always take the responsibility in knowing what they're kids are doing. And get more connected to what is out there.

  8. A young girl named Rebecca Ann Sedwick who is being bullied in Lakeland in Central Florida. I think that the 14 year old girl is responsible for Rebecca's death. She's the one who told Rebecca's friends to not be friends with her anymore, because they would get bullied too. She told anyone who would try being friends with her would get bullied. I think that the bullies parents are responsible too, they should tell their kids that bullying is bad. But they didn't seem to care what their kids did. Rebecca's parents should have kept her home schooled and taken her phone away. Maybe that would of stopped the bullying and her daughter would still be here with them.

  9. What I think should happen in this case is to put the girls/guys who bullied her under house arrest because a lot of people bullied her and it isn't fair for the kids who sent that one message. Cause a lot of kids were doing it, for example two girls said that they wanted to fight her and the other said something else so it isn't that fair to just blame those to kids. Well this is obvious but the all the girls/guys who bullied her should take the blame cause if they blamed the parents then it wouldn't be fair cause they didn't do anything. Also the girls who did it should do something for Rebecca's parents cause they don't know how her parents feel from losing a child. But I think that Rebecca's parents should testify against the girls who caused Rebecca to die.

  10. The article "Felony Counts for two in Suicide of Bullied 12-Year-Old" gives the reader that everyones life can be changed by some little thing. Who should take responsibility? The person who should take responsibility is both of the girls, even though the 12 year old they say is not guilty. The 12 year old should of made a new page and say " I got hacked and whatever they say don't listen to it" so then people knew that she was not the person saying those kind of comments. Rebecca's parents should be sent to a class that can teach them the limits of a child. Something so small can make a big difference so always remember to think twice about anything.
