Browse back through the articles posted on these days:
Nov 7
Oct 30
Answer this question in your blog post for today:
There is a lot of news about bullying recently. Is is merely hype or is should it be a serious concern? Write an excellent paragraph in response to the question in which a side is taken and evidence is offered from the articles as evidence for the side chosen.
Review of sentence types (S, C, CX), and learn compound-complex sentences!
I think its both I think in some cases its serious but in others its just people being stupid. like the football game one where the team won 93 to 0, that's just a mom or dad being a punk because there kid sucks at football. That's not bullying that was just one team trying and working harder to win.
ReplyDeleteBullying has always been the problem of suicides, and the lead to death. People should really be concerned about this because it harms many lives. Not only the person doing it, but also families. It's been seen that many school have been try to stop this going through their students and email. For the same reason that it kills. Of course it should be a concern and the people should do something about it, because it is not just something you can take as a joke. It is " Death".
ReplyDeletePeople think kids are to fat but their own young and have a long ways to go in life. Kids need to eat to become big and strong, many adults are fat and they should be the one's having to hit the gym little kids go out ride their bikes and do something with their friends. So people need to leave kids alone, give them candy on Halloween not some letter calling them fat.
ReplyDeleteBullying what is bullying? bullying is hurting someone wether it be physical mental or emotional for the sheerer enjoyment of the act. Bullying is a serious problem especially when said person is doing them self physical harm or worse when they commit suicide. People need to realize the trama and pain it brings to the people who are being tormented day in and day out and they need to stop, because what if that person takes there own life. And outsiders who are witnessing what there doing need to tell someone and get help so it will stop.
ReplyDeleteIs bullying getting of hand in the 2000's? Bullying can be an act of fear, they don't know how to get help. Those people think that if their life's are insane then the rest of the world need to be insane as well. knowing that bullying can be bad yet people still do it and they don't think about the feelings. Everyone just needs to think twice before they do something wrong or even what they are going to get out of that cause.
ReplyDeleteShould one be concern about bullying? Bullying has been happening for many years but really no one has been really concern about. There are people that do care about bullying, but my question is do they take it seriously? They're people that abuse of bullying, they use bullying, like in the story about the footed that creamed the team like 90-0 and the parents of the losing accused the coach of bullying. We should be concern about it, but we should abuse of it. Bullying is someone the gets bet up, called names, and that they over all just abuse of him for every thing. One should be concern about, but one should see or ask first if they're getting bullying.
ReplyDeleteBullying can be in both sides, some just do it fit in. Others do it because they like making people feel bad. Sometimes people feel like they're being bullied but they're not. Like the basketball game where the girls won 90 something to 0, and some parents took it as bullying. They were blaming the other teams coach because supposedly they were playing too hard on them. It's not bullying, it's just that one team is better than the other one. So in some cases it's merely hype and in others it should be serious concern.
ReplyDeleteBullying happens a lot. In some cases bullying can be for a dumb reason like "Oh she's ugly, let's bully her." and they tend to make her life miserable. Other times it's actually bullying, physical bullying. That's when parents should take a stand and their kids should talk to them and let them know what's going on. Killing yourself isn't going to solve anything. If you're not weak and you show them that you're strong enough then there wouldn't be a problem. No ones alone, there's always someone who is willing to be with you through thick and thin.
ReplyDeleteBullying is a part of society and has been for centuries, but has bullying itself gone to far and if so is it a huge concern that has to be stopped, or is it something everyone just has to suck up and pretend nothing happened. As of today bullying is a huge crisis every teenager in this country is facing day to day. Most of these teens know how to face bullying and put an end to it. This is either called self defense or self confidence that you don't care what everyone else thinks about you.Then there are those teens who grow up not knowing how to defend there self's and what they stand for. Everyone ends up stepping on these kind of people like a doormat. This is where action is taken place to either end bullying by standing up for who you are, or getting the easy way out. Some examples of the easy way out of this kind of situation could be, ending your life, so you don't have to suffer or feel the agony and pain ever again. Also harming yourself physically, emotionally and mentally, putting your self esteem ever lower, beating up yourself. This examples are no joke, bullying has to stop or you have to learn how to stand up for what are and where you come from, having the most supreme self confidence. Winning every battle against bullying that come your way.
ReplyDeleteThere has been a lot of concern about bullying lately and most of the stories that have been pro traded as bullying haven't. Just because their is so many suicides that have happen and the stories. Also I feel bad that the kids who are getting bullied are committing suicide cause its not right.