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Who is to blame for the high rate of stolen vehicles in Utah? Back up your opinion with evidence from the article.Write a paragraph with a topic sentence, opinion statement, evidence, evidence, and conclusion.
i feel as if it would be both participants fault especially if they leave there car keys in the car! People need to keep there car doors locked and they need to keep any and all expensive items away from the car. And just mainly be aware that people can get in your car if its unlocked and again dont leave your car unlocked!!
ReplyDeleteThe people who don't lock there cars. They don't keep their cars locked or they leave a spare set of keys in they car and when they thief sees them he finds it easier to steal the car. Now people seem to be locking their cars ever since they found out that everyday in Utah a care will get stolen about 16 times in the day. I think the people who are careless with their cars are to blame.
ReplyDeleteWho is to blame for car's getting stolen I say that people that are in need and can get their hands a an open car. One way to make sure that your don't become one of these victims is just locker your doors and do not leave a set of key's anywhere in your car. Over 85% of car's stolen where with spare set of keys left inside the car. People are just not to respectable of other people's things that they work hard for and are after whatever they can get their hands on. If people where to lock up their doors every time their going to leave the car that could stop a lot of car's to be stolen. Not many police help out they only let the victims know that if they if their car to call them and let them now or else if they get in and drive away they are going to be in a stolen car.
ReplyDeleteWho should we blame for high rate of stolen vehicles in Utah? Thief should be blamed for stilling the vehicles, but One should be blamed to for leaving a extra key in there and the doors unlocked. In a case of a guy that left an extra key and doors unlocked for his van and he got stolen. One should never leave there doors unlock where ever they are. They should not even have in extra key in there car. One should blame themselves for leaving there door unlocked or a key inside.
ReplyDeleteStolen car rates are going up. The reason for cars being stolen is not to be fully blamed on the car owners. All it takes is one time, to forget to lock your car, leave the keys in plain sight, or even just walk away for a few minutes leaving your car on, just once and it could be gone. They claim it is not impossible to stop a car thief, but you can do your best to stop it. All in all, you can't do much to completely stop a thief from stealing your car, but if you lock your car, take the key with you and that is about the best you can do to stop a thief.
ReplyDeleteThe owners of the vehicles are to blame for the high rate of stolen vehicles. But it's also not their fault, some people just like to take off with vehicles that look nice. If they didn't leave their vehicles unlocked or have a spare key then it wouldn't be so easy for the thief's to get in. Nate left another spare of keys in his van and it was easy for the thief to take off. If people know they have nice vehicles they shouldn't even think of leaving their vehicles out there where anyone can get in.
ReplyDeleteWill car theft ever stop? Not necessarily if the owner leaves the car keys inside of the vehicle yet it's drawing the attention and saying "steal me." Having the police not do much about the car theft is really saying we don't care about the theft we will take care of more and bigger problems. In Murray having assigned two Police Department Officers just for cases of care theft is a good idea so then the people that do the crime have to be more careful and thoughtful. Car theft will soon come to an end but not a complete end.
ReplyDeleteOwners of cars of the U.S. are the blame of high rate stolen vehicles. People now in days have had so much trust in our nation to leave our cars unlocked and have an extra key inside, or just simply leave the regular key inside. In the article it gave an example of a guy Named Nate, that said "The biggest deterrent is locking your car and taking the keys with you. Nate said his van had an extra set of keys stored in the glove box, making it possible for the thief to drive off with his vehicle" most stolen vehicles are taken because they are so easy to get into.
ReplyDeletePeople who do not lock their cars are most likely going to get their car stolen or other expensive things they leave in the car. If you have the habit of just getting out of your car and not locking it then do not be surprised when you get back and your car isn't there. Yes, you can track it but at the moment it's like "Why didn't I think of locking it in the first place." People have their ways of stealing things so it wouldn't be hard for them. If you leave an extra key in the glove department then you are giving the thief an easy way of stealing your car.
ReplyDeleteIn this article cars being stolen is a serious epidemic going on in the state of Utah. About six thousand cars per year have being reported stolen. Who is to blame? The person who stills the cars for a living, or the person who leaves his or hers keys in the car. The fault her is at both participants in a stolen crime scene. First of all if anyone sees car keys laying around in a vehicle, what is there reaction going to be? Will they walk on by and ignore the temptation to steal the car or will they grave the keys and steal the vehicle? Depending on the person who it is and knowing about eighty five percent of the time they would rob the car. And knowing the conditions of this countries financial and economics state of well being. They would most likely take the car and risk there chances of being caught. To prevent this matter of robbery. People don't leave a extra spare key inside your vehicle, because there is a very high chance it will be stolen. Also if you have second thoughts of robbing a vehicle, think of the outcome and consequences it comes with it.