Read this
article then compose HALF of an ANALYSIS 8-sentence paragraph. That is, you will write a topic sentence, one concrete detail, and two commentaries. Tell me what you think, not what you read! Then back it up with facts from the article.
Review of independent clause/dependent clause.
Read along with
Mango Street, answer the analysis and summary questions.
Work on your outline for your personal essay.
cyber bullying is bad for many types of reasons. Because it can be used in many types of ways. Teenage girls are mostly using this cyber bullying to hurt and harm other girls or to confront them online. like for example if a girl is pissed at another girl she will start saying things she doesn't mean. And that's another problem teenagers are stupid and will say the dumbest thing ever and then later regret it. Simple because we are teenagers and don't know any better. In conclusion I just think cyber bulling should stop.
ReplyDeletein this article it was about how cyber bullying affects our youth. idk what to write.
ReplyDeleteThat's sad the way people can't be strong with what other's have to say about them, this is one of the reason's the kids are killing them self's. If kid's are getting pushed around on the internet they need to go up to the bully and say something to stop doing that. As a young kid's yes we may mess around with people and say stuff but that doesn't we mean it all. We are growing up and this shouldn't even be happening the reason this happens is kid's now don't have anything butter to do then sit on and type stupid thing about people that isn't nice.
ReplyDeleteI think that the cyber bullying was awful. Passing a law of cyber bullying and getting charged is a little crazy. I mean it shouldn't happen but its ridiculous to charge someone for cyber bullying is dumb. Because someone could just lie about getting bullied to get someone else in trouble. Its a little extreme. What happened to the girl is very sad, but you cant punish everyone in a way because 15 middle school kids decided to be little jerks.
ReplyDeleteCyber-bullying needs to also be watched by the school. The students don't just cyber-bully at home, They do it at school also. Schools don't do anything to help stop cyber-bullying unless it goes to far and someone tries/succeeds in committing suicide. There has been countless teenage deaths that cyber-bullying has a part in. In my opinion it happens to girls more than boys cause in my opinion girls are a little more insecure than guys cause they are trying to fit in more and trying to get skinnier.
ReplyDeleteCyberbullying is pretty dumb because people that do it think that they are much powerful than others. They can't say it to a persons face. Telling someone through the internet is dumb if you dont like them then just dont talk to them
ReplyDeleteToday on the internet , internet scams and cyber bullying is very comin in today's society and the world. A lot of teenagers today are 24/7 on Facebook, instagram, twitter, and many more social media. Rebecca was cyber bullied to the point she couldn't take it anymore and jump off a cliff killing herself. This is one of many examples of cyber bulling leading to death.
ReplyDeleteThe article "Teenage Cyber bullying and Girls suicide " has impacted me in many ways.If you see your child different from any other days then something is wrong with her and also if you don't see any difference then you should be worried as well.Go into his/her room and start to look through it and see if you something different.Always be as close to your children as possible because you will never know what is happening to them if you don't have the connection.
ReplyDeleteThere was a 12 year old girl was being bully in middle school and committed suicide. People from school would text her stuff, her mother took her phone and her Facebook. She also changed her schools, but it still got to her. Then she got a kik and Voxer, the bullying started again. But her mother didn't know about it. The bullying started over a boy, later on she stopped seeing him.
ReplyDeleteCyber bullying is bad but I don't think they should be charged with a felony. Every kid in the world has been mean to someone in their lives and if that's so then all the kids in the world would be charged with a felony. Instead of doing that they should just do a program at school and tell the students what's happening in their school and what they should change. So just be nice to each other and you want to live life.
ReplyDeleteCyber bullying happens everyday. Kids get bullied over the internet and applications then cant handle it so they think the best way to end it is by committing suicide. All these types of things are a waste of time. Facebook, twitter, tumblr, instagram, and ask are just a waste and pointless to even have. That's the way people get bullied. We need to watch and be careful with what we put on these kinds of websites because then you're going to have to deal with the consequences. Some people can be cruel and they don't care what they say or do, so being careful is the best way to be on these types of websites.