Friday, September 6, 2013


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Read this article, then write an eight sentence burst on it (be appropriate) in the comments section.


Take a look at some sentences to find the main clause and modifiers.


Burst open the eight-sentence paragraph. Can you place the sentences in their correct spot?


Do this exercise.


  1. So i learned that parents twerk in private and that miley Cyrus likes to twerk and she does it every opportunity that people who are in love twerk for each other there's a lot of twerking at night clubs and that twerking originates from south Africa and you have to move your hips a lot and that parents might want to experiment with twerking and they might suggest it for dinner.

  2. How people think you should explain twerking. They think you should explain it to your parents before they ask you about it. Which is actually better because if you let them ask you they will probably look it up on the internet or on YouTube. If you do tell them before they ask you tell them the real things about twearking like where it came from and why they do it and what it means.

  3. Who ever wrote this should probably quit. The reason for that is because they sound stupid. The reason they sound stupid is because they have no clue what they are saying. My parents would never twerk. All twerking is is nasty girls trying to get attention. If you twerk your nasty. so in this case whoever wrote this article should probably work at mcdonalds or somewhere.

  4. people say that is better to tell your parents about twerking before you have the twerking talk with your parents. witch is not good to wait because,your parents could search non-real things about twerking. when you tell them instead your actually helping them understand about twerking.

  5. Twerking is somewhat a dance that low African American women developed over time by shacking the hips in a certain rotation. Twerking is being done by girls all across America, some parents don't approve of this Dance and consider this a issue because they don't their daughters looking bad in society.
    If tour parents wanted to talk to you about Twerking and they said that if your lover started to do it would you do it with them? well is very obvious that you would do it because your just tying to have fun with your over and making him or her feel loved.
    Parents would have a talk with their children because of what Miley does. She twerks when ever she has the opportunity like she is in V something awards she had a opportunity to twrek and she took is so on my part it isnt bad to twerk its just a dance and i think everyone should have fun with that dance.

  6. You should explain twerking to your parents before they ask you what it is because then you can explain everything about twerking. its better if you tell them first because then you can tell them about where it came from before they think its a good thing and then they'll start doing it so it better if you tell them then them coming to you it might be weird but its better.

  7. Twerking it is a natural thing to do in life. Twerking is a dance that started in south Africa where the women would do it a lot. A lot of people do it now a days in the united stats in public and at homes while making videos of it. i dont want you to think it a bad thing to do' its a normal thing.

  8. is it okay for your parent to know what twerking is?
    .FIRST they will like to know what twerking is and maybe they ask you to show them but sometimes its not okay to show them they will do it and its okay for then to do i think its like a kid learning new thing, they maybe to it in party with other people and they maybe dont think its wrong to but they dont know until you tell then and i think its not okay because they it not good thing to do to other and your body i think you have to respect your body well that my personal point of view some people have there own point of view every people are different..
