Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Read this article then compose HALF of an ANALYSIS 8-sentence paragraph. That is, you will write a topic sentence, one concrete detail, and two commentaries. Tell me what you think, not what you read! Then back it up with facts from the article.


Review of independent clause/dependent clause.


Read along with Mango Street, answer the analysis and summary questions.


Work on your outline for your personal essay.


  1. so they do a lot of cyber bullying from threats to name calling and to saying your going to hurt them in a physical way you have to tell an adult to do something about it because right now there insulting you but then it could get physical and bullying not cool no matter what way it is if its physical emotionally or through cyberspace you always have to tell an adult cause even if they take it as a joke you hurt them in many ways and bullying really hurts and even if you don't know it you take things as a joke you don't know what the other person is feeling

  2. cyber bullying is a horrible thing cause some people take it really offensively.
    cyber bullying is hidden and most people dont speak about it.
    Like the article says cyber bullying is underground.
    Cyber bullying needs to be know about it is really a horrible thing.

  3. Schools should have an active role in digital life's of teenagers. They cant let nothing pass by. They have to be checking websites to make sure that these teenagers like us are safe. Cyber bulling is a huge problem now in our society. Parents need to know what there kids are doing on the internet on the computer or on there phones. Schools cant be passive and reactive they need to be proactive and inclusive.

  4. Cyber bullying isn't a good way to treat people. If people treat other people bad throughout the social media it isn't making you look even better. First of all the people that are getting bullied through social media might be getting depressed, and depress make you want to suicide. Therefor don't be bullying people in any place specially in social medias.

  5. Cyberbullying is a big issue to today's world because not only happens physically, emotionally but also by technology as well. In my opinion I think that we should stop it in many ways because many people are starting to commit suicide because of bullying and that's just not even cool. Cyberbullying is like any other type of bullying because you still hurt the people that are getting bulied soon the tired of it and commit suicide.

  6. Do parents need to talk to their kid about cyber bullying? i think that yes becuase so they know what outside in the world and have a positive mind and the they are not the ones bullying other people, the bullying is never going to stop but the school cant do much its all goes to the kid and parent and school and maybe police to stop it they all work together to stop it and its going to work.

  7. Cyber bullying at school. Cyber bulling is a bad thing at school because there have bin lots of reports of kids being bulled and the only way to get out of it is to kill them self's. Cyber bulling is a bad thing and should be stopped so no more death happen cause of that. No one know how anybody feels when they get bulled by someone.

  8. This article was about the cyberbullying. Some schools there bullies and parents aren't ok with that. Cyberbullying cause some people to kill them self.
