Friday, September 20, 2013

Welcome to Donut Friday!


Read this article, then write an analysis 8-sentence burst paragraph. (So, write about your opinion, thoughts, etc. Don't tell me what the article was about. Then pick a topic and two things you can say (points you can make) about that topic, and two supports for each point you make.)


Review of paragraph pattern and how you can use it for other types of writing.


Reading today!


What is the writing pattern?


  1. There cutting food stamps because of the growing population and the increase of hunger and since a lot of people from 25-39 live with there parents they said they would cut them in half as soon as the unemployment drops in the congress is'int even leaning in but they don't know by doing that there will be a loss of 900000 jobs and that comes out of there check

  2. In my opinion they shouldn't cut down on giving people food stamps. Why? Well because there is lots of parents that actually do work but they just don't get enough for food they at least pay the rent and the bills with the food stamps they get extra help for food that their kids need. But there is other people who use food stamps that don't deserve it because they don't work and are just lazy even though they can get a job.

  3. I personally think that cutting the food stamp in half is morally wrong because half of the people who have food stamps would be left hungry. The republican house is stupid, well because they just don't know if they cut the food stamps in half then a lot of people will be left in poverty and lots of children would starve to death.
    I think we should just leave it the way it is because that way many people would have something to eat and not starve to death.

  4. I think they should keep the food stamps the same. Because allot of the people actually try working really hard but its still hard for them to keep up. When they cut them down they will put allot of people in poverty. When that happens people can loose there jobs. When they loose there jobs they will not be able to afford for there family.

  5. In my opinion people that work really hard and that don't really get a good income should get help from the government. Those other people who don't work and their just at home, and they get food stamps are just people that are to lazy to work. There for food stamp should go out to those people who actually need it.

  6. Well i think that they should not cut the food stand to the poor people because they need food to survive and the government should make more jobs so those people change there life style and don't get stuck so they are not in the poor section. What will happen if you stop the food stand? I think that a lot of people will go homeless and the economy will go down to the floor.

  7. Cutting down on food stamps for over half of the Americans in poverty. there are lots of people in need of it and if the take it away the will ruin a lot of life. they should not do it because half of the people will starve to death. they should not do it.

  8. The people are cutting down on the food stamps now at the end of 2013 and there's 3.8 million of Americans that are gonna be thrown out.Last year that kept 4 million people out of poverty and for other people it got them into more poverty.

  9. In our struggling economy, it is important to maintain a balance of national debt and continuing to support necessary federal programs such as unemployment benefits and foodstamps. The Republican choice to cut foodstamp benefits shows their dedication to decreasing the national deficit, but completely ignores the needs of the nation. Currently, over 17.6 million American households need foodstamps. About 3.8 million will lose those benefits with the Republican cuts. The economy is not stable enough to support a move to fix federal debt. Though the unemployment rate is decreasing, income is staying the same. This means that even though people are employed, they are not getting raises and making enough to feed their families. Though the Republicans have good intentions, they are not looking at the whole picture and creating balance in the economy.
