Monday, September 23, 2013


Read this article, then write an analysis 8-sentence burst paragraph. (So, write about your opinion, thoughts, etc. Don't tell me what the article was about. Then pick a topic and two things you can say (points you can make) about that topic, and two supports for each point you make.)


Review of paragraph pattern and how you can use it for other types of writing.


Introduce the essay prompt and unlock it together! Free write on the essay prompt.


What is the writing pattern?


  1. Food stamps are useful to people. Because for the middle class, Sometimes people have other things to pay and don't have enough food to feed their children. But for the poor people its keeps them alive and going in life. And food is very important.
    About the jobs, that they are going to drop them. just makes no sense because that will only lead to more people getting food stamps etc. But, i also agree that people that are still living with their parents being 18 or older so move out. And start looking for jobs. Maybe they can't because jobs are going to be lowered. We should we just things as they are and should change anything.

  2. No one said it would be easy with the times we are going through right now it's hard so somebody to have a good job. Their is lot's of people that are living day to day trying to make it in this world for those who are poor even harder and now that the gov. isn't going to be giving them food stamps who know's what they are going to end up doing just to get some food on the table. Who know's if the crime rate is going to up because of the hard times just to feed them self's, they are probably better off in jail. Their they wouldn't have to worry about eating or having a roof over their heads. This economy isn't doing to good and seem like over the last 12 years all that's been happening is getting worse. I remember when gas use to $2.30 and now it's almost around $4 and no matter what they gov. will always have money to spend for new cars and other things that they don't even need. We are living in a messed up time and seems like everyday is just getting worse, something needs to happen to fix all the problems but till then who knows what could happen tomorrow.

  3. I think food stamps have saved a lot of peoples life. Because without them they wouldn't be able to get food. It's not just a certain persons life but families too, food stamps have kept many families out of poverty last year. I think food stamps are very helpful to a lot of people that don't have much money. They should keep the food stamps for the poor people, it would mean a lot to them. It would also keep them out of poverty. I think they should let the poor people get food stamps every week, so they have something to eat.

  4. The government wants to stop the food stamps distribution. Which means that people who live in poverty ,will struggle because they wont have food in their homes.
    People need to try and fine jobs that pay more , so that they can actually have money to put food on the table. Several families are living in poverty because they don't have a steady income. They shouldn't get rid of food stamps , because for some families the food they get from food stamps is the only food they get. Just because some people cant get jobs doesn't mean you should take away the only thing they have to eat. Food stamps shouldn't be taken away , cause they help feed families who need it.

  5. Getting rid of food stamps well make many people will not have food and even a job in the coming year. Food stamps help people that have a job but not enough many to buy everything they need like food. Taking that away well make them need to get a second job or work hours to put food on the table. The classes that are going to struggle with this is the middle and lower class cause they depend on this to have food on there table. A lot of the middle class have jobs but don't get paid enough. The lower class majority of them don't have jobs and taking food stamps with make them struggle and get frustrated because they won't have food on there table.

  6. The article "Another insult to the poor" is having the argument all on their side because it is true that there are old people if that is what you want to call them living at their parents how with out paying rent or anything else. My opinion is that the food stamp thing was a very good idea so the people that really need it get to have it but the others just so they wouldn't spend their own money get to learn there lesson that not only you '"need" food stamps but others in economic problems need them more.

  7. in the article its talking about how the republicans are cutting three point eight million people off of food stamps. in the article it stated that about fifteen percent of Americans currently live in poverty. I feel why would you put more people in poverty by cutting food stamps that is the stupid I feel like this nation is slowly but surly running its self in to the ground. also taking away from taking people off food stamps would also loose nine hundred thousand jobs it could possibly kill millions of lives.
    the article also stated that the average income for people over sixty five years old droped seventy five hundred dollars. so now were taking food and money away from people who need it real smart America. so in conclusion our government blows.

  8. Poverty
    Poverty wouldn't happen if a lot of people weren't lazy and did stuff but theirs a lot of lazy people in this world. Most of the time people say their poor because their parents were poor so now they are poor. No it doesn't work like that, that's only an excuse of no trying to get out of poverty so they just don't work and live off the government and etc. I think if people just work a little harder then they wouldn't be in poverty they would probably be in the middle class and they should a least get a job at some store or something that a least brings in money for your family and thinks. So in the article we read it said that they pasted a bill I think it is a pretty good one because us tax payers pay for it and people get them just cause they are lazy and they didn't work so yeah.

  9. It's just saying how the poor and the middle class people are struggling and always have been. It really isn't nothing new because the high class people have always had everything. Everyone pays taxes and for what, just so the government can have it all, while he does nothing about anything. Jobs are hard to find and when you do find them its hard because they only pay you the minimum. Food stamps are a big help for the people that have a low income and need to pay other things. But if they were to raise the raise in jobs then the food stamps wouldn't be needed.
